Feeling a little stiff or rusty?
I just got back from my first weekend of skiing this season. A nice surprise snowfall made the local resort decide to open early just for the weekend. I have been good about the strengthening of hips, core and legs as I encourage you to - and even my old...
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Strength training for skiing
To be effective, strength training for skiing must involve elements of balance to some degree. Good, simple examples are exercises in which you work one leg at a time. This will challenge your balance and get your glutes working as well. As an added bonus...
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Balance training for skiing
Balance training for skiing is not just about standing on a balance board although that is a good start. It is easy to use and you can even try it with your ski boots – if you have good flooring! If you try to squat on a wobbly surface or a balance board, you will...
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Typical skiing mistake: Skiing in the backseat
As soon as your feet get a little in front of your hips the "backseat" pattern can develop. This often happens if you're a little on the defense or if you are coming from a slower to a faster surface. In order to remain balanced you can do two things: 1)...
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Why you get sore from skiing
Allow me to start with a fun little story from when I did the survivor show in Denmark back in 2006 (Robinson Ekspeditionen, it's called on Danish TV). If you couldn't be bothered then just scroll down to the article on why you get sore from skiing :-)...
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